America changes its action plans after facing mass shooting incidences

A recent survey was conducted by Pradeep Singh Kaleka. The survey was related to studying the behavioral changes in Americans after Mass shooting incidences.
In early studies, America was mostly dominated by White Supremacy, after the invasion of Small, yet powerful Sikh community. The attempt was made at Wisconsin’s Sikh Temple, where six of the Sikh worshippers were shot down.
One of them was Kaleka’s father, who was also killed brutally in the incidence while trying to save himself against the shooter. A supportive message is always posted by Kaleka, the moment another such attempt is made by someone. Kaleka ensures to make the best use of Social Media platform, to post his messages.
Later, he also takes an initiative to visit people who might have suffered the incident so he can share their pain. In his recent attempts, Kaleka has managed to travel to different towns including Pittsburgh, Connecticut, Newtown, South Carolina, and Charleston. He also mentioned that he is now considered as a part of the family of the suffering people.
It is obvious that in recent times, many such attempts have been made by unidentified gunmen. Virginia Firing that occurred on Friday was, in fact, the most recent one that leftover 12 people dead while many injured or left in trauma.
The shooting took place at the Virgin Beach area and as per the eyewitnesses, several people were left in traumatic condition after the incident. For thousands, it has also been a heart touching event.
With these attacks, it is certain that Americans have changed the way most people pray or talk as they are literally preparing themselves against overcoming these situations.