Automatic Extension Of H-1B, H-4 EAD For 1 Year During COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 pandemic is crippling many industries, and also there is growing anxiety among work-based visa holders in the US about the legalities of their future status.
Now, a non-profit advocacy group representing, “Immigration Voice”, has succeeded in getting inserted a provision into the House coronavirus “phase 3” bill. This provision would extend the validity of all visa petitions and employment authorization documents.
The group is now working to get the provision inserted into the Senate package, too. The organization is asking all those who are affected by the bill to call senators from their states and express their concerns.
It is advising people to lobby the senators to support a provision in the House “Phase 3” Coronavirus bill that prevents legal immigrants from losing their status while the COVID-19 crisis is ongoing due to all of these closures.
The bill of Immigration Voice said:
“We have been working behind the scenes to address the immediate concerns of a lot of immigrants. We take some solace to report, Immigration Voice has convinced the House to include a provision in the upcoming stimulus bill which says – in light of the indefinite closing of USCIS offices and U.S. embassies and consulates around the world, all existing lawful immigration statuses and EADs will be automatically extended for 1 year from the date the legislation is enacted. As per the current language, if you have an H4 EAD, it will be extended for a year. If you have an H-1B about to expire, it will be renewed and you can remain here even if furloughed until the crisis is over.”