Canada offers High-Skilled Jobs to Indians Over Chinese!

Indians always dream to fly to the US to get high-paid salaries. But this has become the toughest thing with Trump administration as he has tightened immigration laws. Indians felt extremely disappointed with the decision of Trump. Though the chances are not completely gone, it became very hard for an Indian citizen to settle down in the US. And now, Canada has taken advantage of it and offering high-skilled jobs to Indian professionals. A recent survey has found that Canadians are welcoming Indian STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) professionals over the professionals from China.
After the arrest of a top Huawei executive, support for workers from China falls by approximately 10 percentage points compared to the other Asian countries. According to the Canadian immigration report late last year, nearly 2.25 lakh Indian citizens would become Canadian permanent residents in the next three years. In 2018, nearly, fourth of new Canadian permanent resident permits went to Indian citizens.
In the last few decades, immigrants from Asia have seen an increased share in the foreign-born population in Canada. According to the 2011 report that measures 150 years of immigration to Canada, Asians made up 45% of the immigrant population. It seems we can witness even more increase in the coming years. The youth now prefer Canada over the US to lessen the troubles!