Cyclone Fani: Naval Ships, Aircraft on Standby

Indian Naval boats at Vishakapatnam and Chennai are in a condition of preparation to give essential help as Cyclone Fani increased in the Bay of Bengal on Tuesday morning. The maritime airship is additionally on remain by at Arakonam and Vishakapatnam.
The boats are remaining by to continue to the most influenced regions to attempt Humanitarian Aid Distress Relief (HADR), departure, strategic help including giving a restorative guide, an official statement from the Indian Navy said.
"These boats are set out with extra jumpers, specialists, inflatable elastic vessels and help material that incorporates sustenance, tentage, garments, drugs, covers, and so forth, in amounts adequate," the Navy said.
The Naval airship remaining by at the Naval Air Stations INS Rajali at Arakkonam, Tamilnadu and INS Dega at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh to attempt surveillance, salvage, setback clearing and airdrop of help material to the stranded whenever required, the Navy said.