Drug Remdesivir Produces Rapid Recovery in COVID-19 Patients

An antiviral drug used as an experimental study to treat Coronavirus patients in Chicago has shown to reduce the fever and respiratory problems in patients quickly making them infection-free within a week.
Experimental drug remdesivir is a part of a clinical trial and was given to 126 coronavirus patients. The best part is that it has successfully treated most of the patients allowing them to go home in less than a week.
Dr Kathleen Mullaney, who is overseeing the trial process explains,” When we start the drug, we see fever curves falling. Fever is now not a requirement for people to go on trial, we do see when patients do come in with high fevers, they do quite quickly. We have seen people come off ventilators a day after starting therapy. So, in that realm, overall our patients have done very well”.
However, there is no approved therapy for the Covid-19, which can cause severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome in some patients. But doctors are carrying experimental trial for various drugs, remdesivir is one among them.
The drug was also tested against Ebola virus and made it to a bit of expectations. However, multiple studies in animals showed the drug could both prevent and treat coronaviruses related to Covid-19, including SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).