G20 Summit: Trump’s light-hearted message to Putin

The sore relations between the United States and Russia date back to NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in1999. Since then the relations have severely deteriorated. The relations were greatly strained in 2014 due to the crisis in Ukraine and differences regarding Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War.
In G20 Summit being held in Osaka, Japan, both the leaders – US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin met cordially. They didn’t bring the subject of Russia interfering in 2016 elections, as reported by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. He had said that Russia had mounted a systematic operation to influence the last presidential election on Mr. Trump’s behalf. This is their first meeting after the statement was published.
But only when a reporter prompted the US president and asked if he would tell Mr. Putin not to meddle in the American election. Trump replied to this saying yes he would. He then made a light-hearted gesture to Russian President, grinned and said, “Don’t meddle in the election, President.”