Get An Umbrella To Buy The Bottle Of Liquor In Guntur

Hours after liquor stores re-opened across India including districts of Andhra Pradesh, many shops in these were shut again as huge crowds gathered outside the outlets, disobeying social distancing norms. But the Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh has the best solution for it.
Police were imposed in the Guntur district where the sale of liquor was permitted as per guidelines released by the Central government. When the situation went out of control then the police came out with a better idea for it.
Carrying an umbrella while buying liquor from shops has been made mandatory by the Guntur police. Umbrella not only covers the person but also ensures that sufficient physical distance is maintained among those standing outside the wine shop. Umbrella can also provide cover from the blistering sun in summer.
“We made umbrella mandatory in the entire Rural Police District as part of our efforts to maintain social distancing among people waiting at the wine shops. The State government has permitted the sale of liquor between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., but we are witnessing quite a rush in view of the long lockdown,” said Superintendent of Police, Guntur Rural, Ch. Vijaya Rao.
Meanwhile, the State has reported two more COVID-19 deaths and 60 fresh cases, including 13 cases of natives of other states, taking the tally to 1,777.