Good News: US Advisory Commission Voted To Process All PR Within 6 Months!

A US presidential advisory commission has unanimously voted to recommend US President to process all applications for green cards or PR within 6 months.
The recommendations of the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (PACAANHPI) are now being sent to the White House for approval. If adopted, they are likely to bring joy to tens of thousands of Indian-Americans and to those who have waited for decades for permanent residence.
A proposal was moved by Indian-American community leader Ajay Jain Bhutoria during the meeting of the PACAANHPI, during which all its 25 commissioners unanimously approved it.
The recommendations aim to reduce the processing time associated with all forms related to family-based green cards.
The commission recommended that USCIS review requests for work permits, travel documents, and temporary status extensions or changes within three months and make decisions on them.
Only 65,452 family preference PRs were issued in fiscal 2021 out of the annual 226,000 green cards available, leaving hundreds of thousands of green cards unused, and keeping many more families needlessly separated.
There were 421,358 pending interviews in April compared to 436,700 in March, said the policy paper by Mr Bhutoria.