Green Card Bill Passed in US House

Till now, the US has an upper cap of 7% for all the countries which keeps a check-on Green Card issuance. On Wednesday, the US House of Representatives passed a bill which will lift this 7% country cap. The bill has ensured that Indian workers will be benefited the most.
This has come as a surprise amidst the racial tirades against Indians and got a stunning 365-65 margin. There is a similar bill in the Senate and if it passed, a combined version of the bill will be signed by the President. It will then become law.
More than 300000 Indian tech workers await Green card issuance in the US because of the 7% cap. If this law is passed, these Indians will have a ray of hope.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination against sex, race, color, religion and origin by an employer is compliant with the Green Card process, as claimed by some experts.
Leon Fresco, a former congressional staff member said,“Nation-Based quotas are governmental discrimination that is every bit as useless — if not as malicious — as racial discrimination. (There is) no moral reason to treat people differently based on their nationality,”. He added, “Protectionists need not worry, as it simply redistributes the existing green card quota in a more equitable manner so large nations and their big tech worked pools are not discriminated against.”