Homeland Security Chief Nielsen Resigns

The most loyal and protector of President Donald Trump, homeland secretary Kirstjen Nielsen marked the end of her journey and strenuous relationship with her boss by resigning from the post. Apparently, according to the president, she was not strict enough, way the job expected, and was not happy with the performance, even though she was loyal and extremely defensive when it came to saving the president.
Forty-six-year-old Nielsen serving for 18 months, through which she was targeted for separating mothers from their children and named as a family breaker by democratic opposition. She always shielded the president from harsh comments of oppositions and public as well, however, this all was not quite enough for Trump who tweeted thanks for her services on Sunday evening.
The resignation was immediately handed after their visit to the Mexican border where Trump, had delivered a stern message about an entry in America, as it was full. Adding on that Congress had broken the system and that he will close the southern border if needed.
He also wanted someone tougher for the job, and pulled out his nominee, even though Nielsen was the face of Trump's fierce policies especially the one with zero tolerance.