India Ranks 76 in Social Mobility Index

World Economic Forum released its social-economic index and India has been ranked very low at 76th place, out of 82 countries. According to the index, India is among the five countries that stand to gain the most from a better social mobility score that seeks to measure parameters necessary for creating societies in which everyone has equal opportunity to fulfill their potential.
WEF measures countries on the five key dimensions: Education(access, quality and equity); technology; work (opportunities, wages, conditions); and protections and institutions (social protection and inclusive institutions) shows that fair wages, social protection and lifelong learning.
India needs to improve its areas of social protection and fair wage distribution in which it has been ranked at 76 and 79 respectively. Furthermore, it ranks 41st in lifelong learning and 53rd in working conditions.
The five economies with most to gain from boosting social mobility are China, the United States, India, Japan, and Germany. Nordic nations hold the top five spots with Denmark in the first place (scoring 85 points), followed by Norway, Finland and Sweden (all above 83 points) and Iceland (82 points).
Amongst the BRICS countries, the Russian Federation is the most socially mobile ranking 39th, with a score of 64 points. Next is China (45th), followed by Brazil (60th), India (76th) and South Africa (77th). However, India stands second in terms of the economy that would make the second-largest gains with the US acquiring the first place followed by Japan at 3rd, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, the UK, and France consecutively.