Man Arrested For Cyberstalking His Classmate In Hyderabad

A 23-year-elderly person has been captured here for purportedly cyberstalking and sexually bugging his former intermediate classmate in social networking media after she dismissed his proposition, police said on Sunday.
The lady had as of late blocked him on WhatsApp for sending 'deceitful messages' following which he supposedly made a phony Facebook account, posted photographs of her with sex requesting comments as status and gathered cash from some through wallets, police said.
The man and the lady were colleagues in transitional and he professed to be enamored with her yet she had not reacted to his proposition. She had likewise erased his messages on a WhatsApp gathering of their colleagues before blocking him at long last.
"This is an instance of sexual harassment in electronic structure by stalking," a police discharge said including the man, utilized in a private firm, was captured on Saturday.