Mistakes in Telangana Intermediate results

Telangana Inter-board secretary Ashok said the slander on the inter-board was wrong. Examination papers are transparently evaluated. However, some have been mistaken. These were the reasons for technical reasons. The allegations that they had not passed students who did not attend the test were untraceable. He spoke to the media on Monday (April 22) in the wake of students and parents.
Secretary Ashok said that there were some errors in interference due to the mistakes of some examiners. OMR Sheets has made mistakes in the bubble. He said he would take action against all those people. None of the students answer sheets were missing they are under the security of police," he said.
Ashok said, " the examiner mistakenly bubbled 0 instead of 9, It's not a small mistake. Explanations are asked for concern valuator and action will be taken on them."
Ashok said the 21,000 answer papers are missing are untraceable. He said that there was a confusion in the absence due to change in the center. For this reason, the AF and AB are listed in the marks list. Technically, due to lack of awareness, the news is spread in the media.
Students will have recounting, reformation, and re-valuation, Ashok said. We are thinking of the deadline extension for revaluation. It is also clear that they are ready to show answer sheets.
Ashok said that the Globarena technologies company has collaborated for evaluation of the answer sheets. It has been evaluated by qualified faculty. Globarena and magnetic firms tend to tender, the tender is given for Globarena company after examining in all the aspects. In addition, experts from the IT department of the Government have certified Globarena firm.
On the other hand, the Telangana government has issued an inquiry into the allegations against Globarena. Ordered the inquiry into the Third Committee. Did Globarena Technologies have done evaluation? Or not? The committee will examine the issue. The Telangana government has issued orders to collect the full details and report within three days.