Nirbhaya Case on Bigg Boss Team?

Bigg Boss 3 even before getting started is in controversies! Bigg Boss team is in search of the contestants for the third edition.
In the process, they approached TV anchor and YouTube star Swetha Reddy and asked if she would like to participate in Bigg Boss 3.
But, they didn’t stop there. According to Swetha, the Bigg Boss team have body shamed her and asked what can she do to satisfy Bigg Boss owners!
Swetha said that the team asked when she will start to go to the gym to get slim. She questioned “if contestants should look beautiful and slim to participate in the show? Why should Bigg Boss called a reality show then?”
"Women should not be seen as a sex item and harassed this way," she said and demanded that a Nirbhaya Case should be filed on the Big Boss team.