Nirbhaya Convicts Hanged at Tihar Jail

All four convicts of 2012 Nirbhaya rape-murder case were hanged at 5:30am in Tihar Jail today. Convicts names were Akshay Thakur, Pawan Gupta, Vinay Sharma, and Mukesh Singh.
All four were woken up at around 4:00 am and were asked to take a bath. Following it, they were granted time to read any religious scripture they wanted to, which they refused. They were served their last breakfast, which they barely ate. They underwent a medical test and were prepared for the hanging process.
Their bodies have been taken to the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital, where a team of doctors will conduct post-mortem examinations, after which the bodies will be handed over to the families.
The Supreme Court dismissed Mukesh Singh’s last-ditch plea that he was not in the city when the crime took place. At the time of execution, no legal notice came and final orders were to hang them till death.
Akshay Thakur’s wife Puneeta Devi fainted outside the Patiala House court and said she and her minor son should be hanged along with her husband.
On the other hand, Asha Devi, the victim’s mother hugged her daughter’s photo and cried that she had got justice now. “After seven years my daughter’s soul rested in peace,” she said.