Registration Of All Motor Vehicles Stopped

The issuing of the authentication of enrolment (RC) for all classes of engine vehicles has been hindered from Thursday in the nation for not incorporating high-security enlistment plate (HSRP) with the 'Vahan' database.
The National Informatics Center (NIC) blocked access to the Transport Mission Mode Project's container India application 'Vahan' for vehicle enlistment on an order of the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Joint Transport Commissioner and Secretary, State Transport Authority, Rajeev Puthalath, revealed to The Hindu.
The activity depends on choices taken at a gathering led by the Joint Secretary, MVL, MoRTH, on April 4 in New Delhi on the reconciliation of the enrolment plate with the 'Vahan' database.
MoRTH imparted the minutes of the gathering to all State Transport Commissioners on April 18 through Under Secretary Dharkat R. Luikang.
With this uncommon advance, RC can't be issued for new engine vehicles in any State, aside from in Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. These three States are utilizing their very own product rather than 'Vahan' and, along these lines, can issue RC to recently enrolled vehicles.
April 1 was the date from when all classes of engine vehicles taking off and being enrolled must be fitted with carefully designed high-security enlistment plate having numerous inbuilt security highlights.
Car producers had been depended by MoRTH with the assignment of issuing the "security tag, including the third enrolment mark". At the nearby dimension, it is for the car seller to put a sign of enlistment on such plates and append them on every new vehicle.
In Kerala, on a normal, 3,000 new vehicles are enrolled every day at the 79 Regional Transport Offices and Sub-Regional Transport Offices. Indeed, even brief licenses can't be issued as the NIC blocked access to the 'Vahan' database.
"The MVD faculty couldn't sign on to the 'Vahan' database. It is the laxity with respect to vehicle producers and vendors in making accessible the HSRP. Just Maruti has concocted the enlistment plate. We will be issuing an order not to enlist new vehicles without fastening the HSRP," he said.