Sindh, Pakistan with 500 HIV-Positives

The health authorities have found out that there are more than 500 patients who have been tested positive for HIV, had visited a private clinic of Dr. Muzaffar Ghangar in Ratodero. He is a pediatrician, as the number of children is more, the patients had visited him for other problems.
The patients who have been tested positive for HIV, most are the children from Punjab Sindh province. The cause of this infection might have been the use of unsanitized equipment’s, infected apparatus, unsafe blood transfusions, unhealthy environment and malpractice by the doctors.
According to a UN report in Asia, Pakistan is second highest in HIV-Infections, On Wednesday 39 cases were found out in the small district. Dr. Ghangar himself is an Aids Patient, the people accused him of using the same infected syringes for the patient. He is now in police custody.
The children had visited the doctor for the problems of their own but got HIV infected after coming here.