TATA New President and Board of Directors Take Oath For the Year of 2019-2022

Meet the next generation leaders from Telangana American Telugu Association! These leaders have proven record in serving our Telangana, Telugu community across the nation. Be it social, cultural or other contributions, these leaders will be the first line of command for all services.
T.A.T.A has an incredible standing of faith and fairness. The team led by the visionary Dr. Pailla Malla Reddy will provide assistance wherever and whenever required.
Let us welcome the new team that is filled with energy, compassion and a zeal to make America and Telangana a better place!
Congratulations to all the Board of Directors!
Telangana American Telugu Association New Board of Directors Take Oath for the Year of 2019-2022.
Telangana American Telugu Association New Board Of Directors Taking Oath for the year of 2019-2022 .