The Largest Payment Card Breach Of 2019!

As per the fraud intelligence company Gemini Advisory, Wawa Inc’s customer's credit and debit card information are being sold online.
This breach ranks among the largest payment card breaches of 2019, and of all time as it potentially affected 850 stores and 30 million payment records.
Gemini discovered that data from cards used at Wawa — is available for sale on Joker’s Stash, a notorious online marketplace where credit and debit card information
Data over 100,000 cards became available on Monday, but Joker’s Stash claimed it had data from 30 million cards of Wawa customers, Joker’s Stash will probably release additional card data in batches over the next 12 to 18 months, according to Gemini Advisory.
In a statement Tuesday, Wawa said it was “aware of reports of criminal attempts to sell come customer payment card information.”
The company had alerted its payment card processor, payment card brands and card issuers to heighten fraud monitoring to protect customers and has offered free credit monitoring and identifies theft protection to customers.
On Tuesday, the company said, “We remain confident that only payment card information