The richness of humility - Second richest person in world Bill Gates stands in a queue to get burger and fries

A post by Microsoft alumni on Facebook has created a sensation. The post shows Bill Gates, the second richest person in the world after Jeff Bezos surpassed him standing in a line at Dick s Drive-In in Seattle.
“When you're worth about $100,000,000,000, run the largest charity in the history of the world and stand in line for a burger, fries and Coke at Dick's like the rest of us...THIS is how real rich people behave unlike the gold toilet seat wannabe poser in the White House " were the words with which the post on facebook was captioned.
This shows how Bill gates despite being a billionaire is so much down to earth and humble. Bill Gates was spotted wearing a red sweatshirt with a pair of jeans and matching shoes. This sets a good example for many who think with money comes special privileges.
There is surely a lot everyone can learn from 63-year-old Bill Gates and try to inculcate it in ourselves.