Trump & Amazon Use Same Tax Breaks

United States President Donald Trump, for decade’s complaints about the large organizations such as Amazon, are paying very little federal income tax by exploiting some of the generous tax breaks, yet Trump himself paid very little or none, by using of same tax breaks.
Amazon is led by world’s richest man, Jeff Benzos who has been able to get a tax refund despite making profits, Trump had tweeted that if Amazon had to pay the taxes, the company would crumble like paper. However trump himself used parts of the U.S. tax code to bring down his tax bill to nothing for several years, the same ones that Amazon has used to pay no federal income taxes for the past years.
It is shocking to see that Trump has paid taxes for only two years 1985 to 1994, as his business of hotels and casinos generated huge losses, which were eligible for large depreciation write-offs.