Trump hits back at old foe Sadik Khan on UK State visit

The clash of titans on twitter again got revived by the US President Donald Trump who lashed put at Sadik Khan during his official visit to U.K. Trump called Sadik Khan as ‘Stone Cold Loser’ for criticizing the warm welcome of Donald Trump in London by the U.K. Government. Trump also made a statement that the Khan should focus on the crime in London and not on other things and criticized his role as a Mayor of London stating that he did a terrible job as Mayor. Khan has always been critical of the visiting U.S. Presidents who is a close ally of the U.K. in the present era.
No less than others, Sadik Khan has been comparing the President to European dictators of the 1930s in his writings and articles. He has been criticizing the policies of the U.S. President and named them as the deliberate use of xenophobia, racism, and otherness as an electoral tactic and highlighting the travel ban imposed on Muslim community across the globe. In response, Trump has tweeted comparing New York’s Mayor Bill De Blasio stating that the only difference between the two is that the London Mayor is half his height. This has outrage protests in London and people have been flying the replicas of the baby Trump dressed in a diaper.
Donald Trump and Sadik Khan have been showing troubled interactions for many years now. Both have been critical of each other’s Political actions. Sadik Khan is of the view that “I don’t think we should roll out the red carpet to the president of the U.S.A. in Now this is called the ‘WAR of THE WORDS’