UIDAI Tells Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Stop Uploading Land Documents

The Government of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have asked to stop uploading the property documents of landowners on their revenue website, by the Unique Identity Authority of Indian (UIDAI) regional office in Hyderabad. The revenue website was used to access Aadhaar data by unauthorized parties.
Fingerprint loaded at the time of Aadhaar enrolment were captured online in the property documents, these prints were used by third-party agencies to generate sim cards or land documents. The use of the documents in such a way is not legally allowed by the Aadhaar act.
The two Telugu states have taken up the computerization of land and property records post bifurcation and the process is nearly completed. Also following the instructions of UIDAI, both the states have stopped uploading the documents on their revenue website.
This will now not allow the third party to use the fingerprints obtained for any use such as buying a sim card or for the documentation of the land.