Unconditional Love of a Man made him to Stand for 6 Hours in a Plane

There are many ways a person can express their love to their partners, like understanding your partner’s needs, Words of affirmation like compliments, stating your positive feelings, giving quality time giving your undivided attention to your partner, giving presents like physical symbols of love such as flowers, jewelry, tools. Acts of service like helping in the kitchen and household works, holding hands, giving affection in keeping a relationship healthy.
But a man showed his love by standing in the aisle of the plane for six hours just so his wife could sleep peacefully on his seat.
Yes! you heard right, Impressed by the man’s romantic act, the passenger Courtney Lee who was sitting in the next seat took a picture and shared the picture on Twitter, Courtney saw soo much love between the partners and he wrote "This guy stood up the whole six hours so his wife could sleep. Now THAT is love." while some of the twitter users started commenting that the woman is so selfish how can she make her husband for stand 6 hours. Many people didn't find anything romantic in it. At the same time, it has also triggered a serious debate online.
This guy stood up the whole 6 hours so his wife could sleep. Now THAT is love. pic.twitter.com/Vk9clS9cCj
— Courtney Lee Johnson (@courtneylj_) September 6, 2019
One commented: "If that is love then I'd rather be lonely".while the other one wrote, "How is this love please? You're willingly putting your partner through stress. What happened to resting your head on his lap?"
if that is love then i rather be lonely
— dwmanunt (@dwmanunt) September 6, 2019
That not love. That's selfishness on the woman's part. Can't she just place her head on his shoulders and sleep. Love doesn't work like that lol
— Jessica ♔ (@Jessicalavril_e) September 6, 2019
Another wrote: "Unless she's sick and this is the only rest position within the circumstance that will make her stay alive." Some users questioned the authenticity of the image, saying that airlines normally don’t allow passengers to stand in the aisles during mid-flight.
Unless she's sick and this is the only rest position within the circumstance that will make her stay alive. If not, its total bullshit!!!
— Teka® (@tekatwittn) September 6, 2019
So the flight attendant let him stand for 6 hours? pic.twitter.com/Bgj8NGuKeA
— astro.nic.visuals (@NicVisuals) September 6, 2019