WHO Praises India For Efforts Against Novel Coronavirus

The international health agency World Health Organization (WHO), on Monday, praised India’s efforts and commitment towards fighting the coronavirus pandemic.
In India, the total cases of coronavirus cases have risen to 133 while three people – a 64-year-old man in Maharashtra, a 68-year-old woman in Delhi and a 76-year-old man in Karnataka, have died because of the infection so far.
A WHO official said that India is so much committed to combating the virus that the country’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is himself monitoring the situation and the government making sure that there were equipment and supplies to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.
“India has done a very good job of containing the COVID-19 virus so far. The government started preparing for the deadly disease well in advanced. The Prime Minister, along with a group of ministers, is constantly monitoring the situation in the country,” she was quoted as saying.
India has taken some strict and precautionary measures liking closing of malls, cinema halls, gyms, and educational institutions to avoid the spreading of the virus. They also forbade public gatherings and be it private or government institution, everyone is looking forward to containing the virus.