Wuhan: Man Dies On Street, Infected By Coronavirus In China

A Wuhan man, wearing a face mask dropped dead on the sidewalk on the ground because of China's virus epidemic along with a plastic shopping bag in one hand.
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One of the journalists saw the body on Thursday morning and then an emergency vehicle arrived carrying police and medical staff wearing a full-body protective suit. The Medical staff in blue gently shrouded his body with a blue blanket. The ambulance left along with the man's body, and police deformed the supermarket cardboard boxes to hide the scene.
The person, who was dead on the street on Thursday, lay one block from the Wuhan Number Six Hospital, which is one of the main medical centers for treating patients with virus symptoms. A team of forensic experts, who examined the person, were immediately sprayed with disinfectant by colleagues after removing their risky material suits. In the two hours that the journalists observed the scene, at least 15 ambulances had passed by, attending other cases.
The person's identity is not determined and he appeared to be in his 60s. The journalists contacted police and local health officials later but could not get any details on the case. The reaction of the police and medical staff in covered suits highlighted the fear pervading the city.
A woman standing near the man said that the person had died from the virus. She said, "It's terrible, These days many people have died."
Wuhan is the focal point of the outbreak of the new coronavirus, which is believed to have transferred from wild animals in the city. The virus emerged late last year and has claimed at least 213 lives and infected thousands in China, with at least 159 deaths in Wuhan city alone. As the virus is spreading to other countries, the WHO (World Health Organization) has declared the crisis a global health emergency.