How Many Births in India on New Year Day? – This Figure will Shock You!

According to the reports of UNICEF, the expectation of births in the world on New Year day is 3,95,072. Of them, 18% are Indian babies!
An estimated 69,944 babies will be born in India, and of these 16, 000 will be born in Uttar Pradesh.
Dr. Jyotsna Mehta, a gynecologist explained that it is hard to estimate newborn babies on January 1st as many would-be mothers still insist on having their delivery on the first day of New Year.
Also, she said, many babies would not make it past their first day in many countries including India. In Uttar Pradesh, about 1,65,000 children died in their first month of life.
“We can save millions of babies if we invest in training and equipping local health workers so that every child is born to a safe pair of hands,” said Ruth Leano, UNICEF chief of a field office, UP.