KCR Wants Telangana Best In Country

Telangana Chief Minister KCR said the onus of developing urban areas in Telangana State as ideal towns and cities in the country were on the newly elected mayors, chairpersons, councilors, ward members and corporators.
“The term municipality has become synonymous with drainage, dirt, and garbage. ‘Baldia’ (municipality) became a second name for corruption. It is often referred among the people that ‘Baldia Aaya, Khaya, Peeya, Chaldiya’ (municipal staff came, ate, drank and left). We must ensure transparency to change this view of people. There should be a non-corrupt system in place,” the Chief Minister said.
Addressing the State level municipal conference, the CM educated them about duties and responsibilities. Laced with examples, he explained to them how public representatives should conduct themselves in public life. He recalled the rough path and hard work that the previous generation of politicians underwent during the colonial rule and early years of independence.
“Now, politics has become easy and simple due to the prevailing situation in the State and the country. During the British colonial regime and later after independence, politics then meant facing difficulties, doing hard work, and suffering jail terms. We are indulging in comfortable politics while immersing ourselves in nation-building activity,” he opined.
Rao pointed out that only 140 people out of over the 5 crore population got the golden opportunity to become Mayors and chairpersons of municipal bodies and he also cautioned them that power should not get into their heads.
Rao also suggested that elected representatives should not indulge in false talk and make false promises to get all the work done overnight. Instead, he advised them to gain a complete understanding of the subject and prepare a proper action plan before taking up any work.
The CM made it clear that politics ends after fighting the elections and all the government welfare schemes were being implemented in all villages and towns without any discrimination.
Further, the CM pointed out that one should not lose balance while discharging their duties. He advised the elected representatives to work with commitment and dedication.