Modern Aurangzeb Modi- Sanjay Nirupam
Sanjay Nirupam, Ex-Member of Indian Parliament from Indian National Congress Party and former President of Mumbai Regional Congress committee has accused Current Prime Minister Narendra Modi of being a modern version of Aurangzeb.
While speaking with the news reporters in Varanasi, the sacred state of India Sanjay Nirupam compared Current Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Aurangzeb. He recalled that during the rule of Aurangzeb he destroyed the temples on the roads of Kashi, and now Modi is doing the same thing under the name of development. He further accused that Modi had levied a tax, fees or fine of Rs 500 for the darshan of Baba Vishvanath, and also this is a thing which even Aurangzeb could not do.
When Aurangzeb had tried and destroyed the temples in Kashi, the public had saved as many as possible, even when zaziya tax was levied people opposed. But now the situation worsens as being a Hindu Modi is doing like Aurangzeb destroying the temples and levying a tax on Gods darshan.
He feels sorry for the public who elected such a leader.