Pakistan Army, In War Of Words Over A Song By Raja Singh

Bhartiya Janta Party Telangana MLA Thakur Raja Singh is well known for his Hindutva Slogans claimed that his new song which is dedicated to Indian army forces will be released on 14th April at 11.45 am on the auspicious occasion of Shri Ram Navami.
However, the Pakistani army took a jibe at India asking to speak up the truth. According to the Pakistani army, the song of Thakur Raja Singh was copied from their national anthem.
Thakur Raja Singh released a promotional video of the song on Saturday which becomes viral. Soon the Pakistani army claimed that the composition was copied from a song released by its media wing on March 23rd for Pakistan day, this song was written by Sahir Ali Bagga.
Asif Ghafoor the director general was glad that the song was copied, however, he even passed the comment that the ability to speak up the truth should also be copied.
Glad that you copied. But copy to speak the truth as well. #PakistanZindabad