Pawan Kalyan Under Pressure From Mythri After IT Raids?

It's no secret that the Income Tax Service investigated Mythri Movie Makers. IT sleuths combed through records at the Mythri office in Hyderabad from April 19th to the 24th.
Murthy Yadav, a councilman for the JanaSena party, has claimed that Balineni Srinivasulu Reddy, an official in the government of Andhra Pradesh, and Talasani Srinivas Yadav, a representative of the government of Telangana, are both complicit in a Mythri-based money laundering operation.
The head of the JanaSena party claimed that Balineni and Talasani had invested their overseas wealth in producing movies in Mythri.
Then Pawan Kalyan issued a press release imploring party leaders only to allege wrongdoing with the party's finances or money laundering if they can back up their claims with evidence. He pleaded with his men to avoid making broad accusations.
This statement followed the JanaSena corporator's allegation.
Some have speculated that Pawan Kalyan may have felt pressure from Mythri Movie Makers to release this statement to the media. It's no secret that Pawan works on a film for the Mythri production company. The timing of a JanaSena leader making accusations against Mythri as they work on a film with Pawan is particularly awkward.
Pawan can't sit by idly as his party leader makes a scathing accusation against the production company paying him a tidy sum to star in a movie. At the same time, it would send the wrong signals within the party if he called the leader and came down hard on him. Hence the standard press release, which the Mythri may have prompted.