Rs 100 for legal and safe water connection in Telangana
Chief Minister K Chandra Shekar Roa signed the file pertaining to reduction in deposit amounts on Thursday. While families under Below Poverty Lines (BPL) needs to pay Rs 1 and others will be paying Rs 100 for having tap connection.
At present, a sum of Rs 6,000 for water connection is collected and also Rs 10,500 for connection inside the house. According to the view of CM, he thinks the deposit amount being high is the reason many people were not coming forward to take water connections.
Under the scheme of Mission Bhagiratha, the safe supply of water to every village will be processed. The deposit amount is reduced so as to make drinking water accessible to every corner in the state, said KCR.
In municipalities and corporations, the number of connections required to be given is 7.9 lakh but so for 1.20 lakh connections have been given. Reducing the deposit amount will strive to increase in the connections to around 6 lakh or more, mentioned Chief Minister KCR.