Rs 10,000 for Each Vote in Telangana!
The cash distribution was started for votes in the upcoming Telangana elections. Speaking about this Akunuri Murali, director of State Archives Department and district collector of Jayashankar Bhupalapally, showed his disapproval.
He said that his relatives were given Rs. 15,000 by a political party, where there are three members in the party. Also, he explained the cost per vote will be increased depending on the situation.
Already many similar cases are seeing every day. As the elections are nearing, political parties are trying to get as many as votes, by all possible means.
Currently, the money spent on one vote in Telangana is Rs 10,000, Akunuri said. It seems it would be even increased as the elections near.
On the other hand, Akunuri expressed his discontent on cash distribution in Telangana. He said that he has many expectations after Telangana got separated, but, TRS made it all bogus and disappointed everyone.
Earlier, in 2014 elections, United Andhra Pradesh has distributed Rs. 154 crore to voters, but the amount of unaccounted cash distributed in the same year is still not known.