T-Congress Tensed In Loosing Of Party Cadre

Another setback to the Congress. Khammam District Paleru MLA KandalaUpender Reddy announced that he will join the TRS. In the forthcoming Assembly elections, Upender Reddy won over the TRS candidate and former Minister Thumala Nageswara Rao. On Thursday he met with TRS executive president KTR in Hyderabad. There is no future in the state for Congress, the Chief Minister of the state KCR and under his rule Telangana runs into a bright future and I will be accompanied with him, stated Upender Reddy and KTR welcomed the same. It was reported that Chief Minister KCR was in the open house to welcome Upender join the party. After the results of the election revelations, the Congress MLA Arvindar Reddy came from Telangana. Congress is crying for an official party strategy of TRS. TRS's strategy is to merge the CLP by adding two-thirds of Congress members to TRS. The TRS is trying to break the Opposition's status to the Congress and hit the party during the parliamentary election.
The number of Congress members is 19, while 14 of them will leave the party and join the TRS. In the past, Telugu Desam has recently implemented a similar strategy for the Congress Legislative Council. The Congress has already got six members from the Congress and the legislature will need another eight members. There are attempts to assemble them too.
6thMLA from Congress:
After the election, the Congress MLA's from Telangana, Vendra Reddy, Rekha Kantharao (Panappakka), AthramSakku (Asifabad), Chirumurty Lingayya (Nakirakal), Haripriya (Inalli) and Sabitha Reddy (Maheshwaram) have already joined the ruling TRS party. Sattupalli MLA's PadraVenkateswara from TDP will also join the TRS. Four of the seven MLAs of these two parties are from Khammam district.
They are left in Congress:
Muthamireddy (Hudhur Nagar), Moolam Bhatti Vikramarka (Madhava-SC), Sridhar Babu (Manthani), Jaggareddi (Sangar Reddy), Seetakka (Moolam-Este), Harshavardhan Reddy (Kolhapur), Komatireddy Rajagopal Reddy (Muhurundu), PondemVeerayya (Bhadrachalam - ST) Sudhir Reddy (L B Nagar), Venkatramana Reddy, (Bhupalapalli), VanaVenkateswara Rao (New Guddu), Jazzula Surender (Ella Reddy), Pilot Rohit reddy (Tandur).
TRS strength to reach 98
The strength of the TRS is already 91, while seven other members joining the TRS from Congress and the TDP will make the number reach 98. The number of Congress party members will fall from 19 to 13.
Congress in chaos:
Telangana Congress leaders are confused by MLAs who are leaving the party. Attempts to stop legislators are not coming up. The newly-elected MLA, Upender Reddy, who is joining the TRS shocked the Congress party. Ellareddy MLA Jajula Surender is also going to be in TRS. The Congress is keen to hear the name of the day. All the Congress MLAs from the former Khammam district had arranged to join TRS except for MLA MalluBhattivikramarka (Madhira) and former Minister Vanama Venkateswara Rao (New Gudduem).
Merge target:
Congress is debating on whether the Congress is to merge the legislative party or the TRS's goal is to make the opposition unlawful. The Congress, which has won 19 seats, is the main opposition party. There are ten MLAs in the legislature who have the status of opposition. That means there should be at least 12 or more MLAs. All 19 Congress MLAs have covered six pink scarves. That means Congress has left 13. If two more people are away, the opposition is lost in the legislature. Already in the Legislative Council, the Congress has been forced to withdraw from the council with the status of opposition. The term of Shabbir Ali, Pongalati Sudhakar Reddy, currently the members, will end this month. If the two are not, the Congress is not represented in the Council.