26/11 attack suspect Tahawwur Rana extradited to India by US court.

The extradition of Pakistani-Canadian businessman Tahawwur Rana to India, where he is wanted for his alleged role in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, has been approved by a court in the United States.
Supposedly affiliated with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), 62-year-old Rana was arrested in the United States for his role in the 2008 attacks in which 10 Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists stormed buildings in Mumbai, killing 164 people throughout a 60-hour siege, including six Americans. Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Chooljian of the US District Court for the Central District of California said in a 48-page court order on Tuesday, which was made public on Wednesday, that the court had reviewed and considered all of the documents submitted in support of and opposition to the Request and had considered the arguments presented at the hearing.
"Based on such review and consideration and for the reasons discussed herein, the court makes the findings set forth below and certifies to the Secretary of State of the US the extraditability of Rana on the charged offences that are the subject of the Request," the judge wrote in the order. The Extradition Treaty between India and the United States, signed in 1997, led to Rana's arrest in the United States at India's request.
In 2011, he was found guilty in Chicago of providing material support to the LeT, the terrorist organisation responsible for planning the attacks in Mumbai.
This comes after a US court rejected Rana's request for a status conference last month, saying it expects a ruling on his extradition to India within 30 days.