Biden gives a job on the President's Export Council to an Indian-American.

US Vice President Joe Biden has said that he wants to put Indian-American business leader Shamina Singh on the President's Export Council, which is the country's most important advising group on foreign trade.
Singh started the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and is its president. He is also the senior vice president of Sustainability for the company.
She has used her more than 20 years of experience in different parts of the world to come up with a unique social effect plan that uses the strengths of both the public and private sectors.
A White House statement said that her guidance has helped Mastercard become a world leader and build its image as a company that does well by doing good.
Mastercard started the Mastercard Impact Fund in 2018 with an initial investment of $500 million.
Singh was named President, and he was given the job of using the money from charitable donations to promote inclusive growth and financial inclusion around the world.
Singh has worked in high-level roles at both the White House and the US House of Representatives. In 2015, President Barack Obama and the Senate put her on the AmeriCorps board for a six-year term.
She is also on the boards of the Anti-Defamation League and the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders.
She is on the lists of the Top 100 LGBT+ Executives by the Financial Times and the Queer 50 by Fast Company. Singh went to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and the Indian School of Business to get his education. She got her Bachelor of Science from Old Dominion University and her Master of Public Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin's Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.
The President's Export Council is the main group that gives advice on foreign trade at the state level.
The Council gives the President advice on government policies and programs that affect how well the US does in trade. It also encourages export growth and gives the business, industrial, farming, labor, and government sectors a place to talk about and solve trade-related issues.