Elections Topics Modi and Gandhi Family

The seven-phase marathon of Lok Sabha Elections are finally over with the result due on 23rd May, the overall topics which were in the mainstream were of only three things Modi, Gandhi family, and Pakistan. No other issues were talked on other than these three.
If a review of all the campaigns, which were held had to be taken, then it was all about either Nehru family or me, Me, Myself echo of Current Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with the repeated references of Pakistan Balakot attacks. It was not the first time when names of Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi were involved in the narration of political campaigns and now Rahul Gandhi as an addition.
While looking at the history, even unvanquished Indira Gandhi did not go for such self-worship, when in 1971 Indo-Pak war Bangladesh was born, as lost Pakistan had to give away half of its nation.
The obsession of Pakistan led Modi to have only that topic to talk about, the failed economy, joblessness was far away from the speeches.