Elon Musk reacts to India being ranked #1 in population.

The United Nations has publicly forecast that India will overtake China as the world's most populous nation by the end of the first half of this year. The CEO of Twitter and Space X, Elon Musk, has lately commented on this change. According to Elon Musk, a country's per capita income is proportional to its population. His tweet stating, "Demographics is destiny," directly resulted from this thinking.
Elon Musk, who thinks increasing the number of people living in a country is crucial to its progress, has fathered a large family. He is a father of nine at the moment. Musk has said that a catastrophic population reduction would end human civilization. Population reduction is seen as more dangerous than global warming.
The United Nations has been compiling demographic data since the 1950s. The release of the country list is based on these. India, however, will be No. 1 on this list for the first time. For many years, China has had the most people in the world. The 'One Child Policy' was enacted in China in the 1980s to respond to the country's overpopulation crisis. Couples were encouraged to limit their families to one kid. But in 2016, realizing that the population was declining, the Chinese authorities ended the one-child policy permanently. Nowadays, it's recommended that couples have at least three kids.