Eluru will be the starting point for Pawan Kalyan's next leg of his Varahi Yatra on July 9.

Pawan Kalyan, chief of the Jana Sena, has completed planning the second leg of his Varahi Vijaya Yatra. On the 9th of this month at 5 pm, there will be a public assembly in Eluru to officially kick off the yatra.
Pawan Kalyan and Nadendla Manohar, the party's political affairs committee chairman, met recently at the party's Mangalagiri headquarters to discuss the next steps. He has scheduled meetings with party leaders for today to discuss the political climate in Denduluru, Tadepalligudem, Unguthuru, Tanuku, and Eluru. Pawan Kalyan's Varahi Yatra's first leg was met with enthusiastic support from the public.
Janasena activists and Pawan's admirers turned out in big numbers no matter the venue. Throughout the first stage, Pawan harshly commented on the heads of the governing party and voiced his disapproval of the government's handling of public affairs.
Pawan Kalyan, on the other hand, has shifted his attention to the yatra's upcoming second leg, which will begin in West Godavari.