Indian IT Giants Have Record-High Attrition Rates.

According to their financial results, TCS, Infosys, and Wipro - the top three IT behemoths in India - raised their net hiring to over 50,000 in the first quarter of 2022.
Current attrition rates in the Indian IT sector:
The attrition rate is the metric used to measure the loss of employees over time. Infosys’ attrition rate stood at 28.4 %, the highest among Indian IT bellwethers, in the 1st quarter of 2022. Wipro came in next with an attrition rate of 23.3 %, while the attrition rate at Tech Mahindra was reported at 22%.
Reason of switch jobs in the Indian IT sector:
Based on numbers alone, the attrition rates at Indian IT companies are higher compared to other industries.
An IT sector employee based in Bengaluru told a reputed news channel why he thinks Indian techies change jobs so often. He said, “The growth opportunities are very less if we stay in the same company for more than 1-2 years now. The growth trajectory at any of the top Indian IT companies is not the same as it used to be before; we have cutthroat competition in the industry. ”
A reputed news channel reported that another IT sector employee said the high attrition rate could be due to better pay by other multinational corporations.