Is Jagan Trying to Corrupt the I-PAC Surveys?
The outcomes of the Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections have jolted the ruling party. The Chief Minister has held random meetings under the Gadapa Gadapaku banner, where I-poll PAC's results have been read aloud.
The media and the Chief Minister report on which legislators are doing their jobs and which aren't.
His assertions, such as "Why Not 175?", have been witnessed. Sure, Why Not Kuppam? Putting on a very assured front.
The YSR Congress did not run in the Graduate MLC elections. YSR Congress participated in the elections despite polls showing it would be soundly defeated.
However, Jagan's findings came as a rude awakening. That means the Prime Minister needs to receive accurate data from the Survey.
Some people believe that I-PAC cannot fail, but they are incorrect, and Jagan is manipulating the polls to keep the public and party MLAs in the dark.
As soon as there is a sense that the party is losing, MLAs will defect, and public opinion will shift dramatically, further eroding the vote share.
The MLC findings have, however, made all of this information available to the public.