Jana Sena Chief To Take Up Public Issues With Jana Vaani Program

The Jana Sena chief has decided to go to the people to win in the coming elections. And for this the plans are being drawn up to be in public taking on the govt without giving up any opportunity.
Pawan, already financially assisting tenant farmers who have committed suicide under the name of Kaulu Raythu Bharosa Yatra. The Power Star is embarking on an innovative program called 'Janavani' to take up the latest public issues. The program will be launched to make the voice of the common man heard, quoting his struggle against the state government.
Jana Sena key leader Nadendla Manohar said that Pawan Kalyan would launch the program on July 3 at the Makineni Basavapunnaiah Auditorium in Vijayawada. Nadendla Manohar revealed that the chief would receive petitions from the public from 10 am to 3 pm that day and send them to the concerned authorities.
He added that the Jana Sena office would look into the petitions from time to time. The event will be held every Sunday and will continue for two weeks in Vijayawada. He said that in the past, ministers and chief ministers had listened directly to the people's problems and worked for their solution and opined that there is no such case after YSRCP came to power.