KTR Inspects The Steel Works At Panjagutta

State Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MAUD), KTR along with Mayor Dr.Bonthu Rammohan MLA D.Nagender and Principal Secretary of MA&UD Arvind Kumar inspected the Steel bridge and road widening works at Panjagutta area.
During the inspection, the minister directed Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) to complete the bridge in a month. He also inquired about the carriageway at Nagarjuna circle which is also being widened.
Due to the lockdown phase, there is less traffic in the area with not much public gatherings and GHMC have the best of it. The officials have disposed more manpower along with more machinery to complete the work before the time.
GHMC Chief Engineer R. Sridhar informed the minister that nearly 50 percent works pertaining to the steel bridge, widening the carriageway on either side of the road have been completed.
The minister also ensured that the workers are adhering to necessary precautionary measures like wearing of masks and maintaining social distancing.
Once completed, the bridge will facilitate in easing traffic congestion at Nagarjuna circle, which is among the high traffic zones in the city.