Major Relief for H-1B Visa Holders as Bipartisan Deal Grants Work Authorization to H-4 Visa Holders and Addresses Aged-Out Children

A significant breakthrough for H-1B visa holders has emerged with the announcement of a bipartisan deal backed by the White House. This deal will introduce automatic work authorization for approximately 100,000 H-4 visa holders, a category encompassing spouses and children of specific H-1B visa recipients.
The agreement, part of the National Security Agreement disclosed following extensive negotiations between the US Senate's Republican and Democratic leadership, offers a resolution for around 250,000 aged-out children of H-1B visa holders. This development addresses a long-standing issue affecting these children's status in the United States.
Additionally, the deal holds implications for Green Card allocation, officially known as a Permanent Resident Card. It serves as evidence that the bearer has been granted permanent residency in the United States. The agreement aims to address per-country caps, which impose numerical restrictions on the issuance of Green Cards.
This bipartisan accord represents a noteworthy milestone in immigration policy and offers significant relief to H-1B visa holders and their families.