Naidu’s Deeksha brings trembles to BJP
The allegations from CBN, chief minister of Andhra Pradesh have raised above the bar, since the plan of Modi visit to Guntur. Addressing at the meeting Modi criticized Naidu naming him to be the head of the corrupt family, which looked like Modi is a TDP hater.
Naidu took it seriously and gave series of blows to BJP leaving them restless. Right from taking a jibe at the personal life of Modi and following it with Dharma Porata Deeksha in Nation's Capital, Naidu didn't give any time for BJP to analyze and reciprocate the situation.
32 National leaders including a close ally of BJP Shiva Sena supporting CBN for the Deeksha came as a shocker for BJP as it was evident over from the National Capital Delhi.
Looking at this BJP launched a severe attack on CBN and TDP party were a series of comments and trolls are flooding in the social media. Every sleeper IT cell of BJP is been assigned with degrading CBN. It came to evidence when Official BJP twitter account of Manipur laid comments against CBN. Even BJP favoured media are also trying to runout debates by deviating from the scenario and discussing anonymous posters that were used to insult Modi in the political backdrop.
These intensive actions led by BJP seems that CBN’s Deeksha has caused troubles and trembles in the nation.