Narendra Modi Takes First Dose Of Coronavirus Vaccine

PM Narendra Modi on Monday received his first dose of Covid -19 vaccine at Delhi's premier AIIMS, All India Institutes of Medical Sciences. Sister P Niveda, from Puducherry, assisted COVAXIN issued by Bharat BioTech to the Prime Minister.
'Took my first dose of COVID-19 vaccine at AIIMS. Remarkable how our specialists, doctors and scientists have worked in quick time to strengthen the global fight against the deadly virus. I appeal to all those who are eligible to take the vaccine, together, let us make our nation COVID-19 free!' he tweeted with an image of him receiving the vaccine shot.
India is going to expand its coronavirus vaccination program today to cover citizens over 60 yrs of age and those with co-morbidities above 45. In the first phase of the vaccine, 1.43 crore doses of Covaxin and Covishield vaccines were administered to two groups on priority: frontline workers and healthcare.
While the second phase of vaccination comes at a time when the country's active Covid cases are under control, eight states, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir and Madhya Pradesh have been a cause of concern in daily cases in the last two weeks. From today, the slots will be open from morning 9 am till 3 pm, and the appointments can be booked anytime between, subject to availability.