Party Mergers After 23rd May- TRS-CLP

The Day of 23rd May will be the fate-deciding date for the Country as well as parties, the party who acquires the majority of seats will form a stable government at the center, but if that does not happen there are chances of a house hung situation.
In the current situation going on, there are chances of a hung house at the center if such thing happens there will be lots of mergers. TRS right now wants to wait and watch till May 23rd before formally admitting the 11 congress MLS, who are ready to be loyal to TRS and merging of Congress Legislature Party (CLP) with TRSLP.
The parties like BJP and Congress are sure about themselves that they will get enough seats, while Telangana Chief Minister Chandrasekhar Rao had come up with the idea of a federal front, of all regional party at the center with no support from either BJP or Congress.