President Fined For Not Wearing Mask In Public

What does it feels when the ones who ask you to abide by the government rules and laws, fails to follow themselves. In a similar incident Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro didn’t wear a mask when out in public areas when the pandemic is spreading.
What is even more interesting is that a federal judge slammed the president for not wearing the mask and has also imposed a fine of $400 for not abiding by the precautionary measures.
While at one rally, he was filmed coughing without covering his mouth and on another occasion he was seen sneezing into his hand and shaking the hand of an elderly woman immediately afterwards.
The court said in its ruling, “The President of the Republic has a constitutional obligation to observe the laws in force in the country. That includes health recommendations to protect Brazilians from a virus that spreads quickly, often silently”.
The rule to wear masks in the federal district came into force on 30 April and was brought in by the governor of the federal district, Ibaneis Rocha, and requires people to cover their nose and mouth in all public spaces.