Telangana Minister, T. Harish Rao In Home Quarantine

On Friday, Finance Minister T Harish Rao went into home quarantine after knowing that his PA tested positive for Coronavirus on Thursday. The Minister met his PA when he went to his office five days ago, his PA developed Covid-19 symptoms and underwent a test which came back positive, unfortunately.
Knowing about the development, Finance Minister Harish Rao sent his samples for testing and got negative but then, he went into home quarantine as it is mandatory to be in quarantine for at least two weeks to know if the virus is in the system or not.
Harish Rao will be doing his work online, he told to media that, “I will be in-home quarantine for another week as already it has been five days since I met my PA”. Along with Finance Minister, 16 of his staff members too went into home quarantine as they were in contact with PA.
The Minister, while being in quarantine, attended to all his official meetings through video-conferencing and also took part in the GST Council Meeting convened by Union Finance Minister NirmalaSeetharaman from home through video-conference on Friday.