Telangana On The Verge Of 'Seed Bowl' Of The World

Telangana Seeds Development Corporation (TSSDC) Managing Director and International Seed Testing Association vice president Dr. K Keshavulu met the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Seed Department head, Csaba Gaspar, in Paris and International Seed Federation (ISF) Secretary-General Michael Keller in Geneva. Dr. K Keshavulu explained Mr. Gaspar and Mr. Keller about the initiatives taken by the Telangana government to make the State the ‘Seed Bowl’ of the country.
TSSDC chief said Telangana was the only state in India that had exported OECD certified seed to ember countries even as India became a member of the organization way back in 2015.
“Telangana has exported rice, corn, sunflower, maize, and pearl millet seeds to Egypt, Sudan, Philippines, Tanzania, and, Italy from 2016. Telangana also organized OECD seed certification process workshops in other states of the country,” he added.
OECD head wanted the state to look at more opportunities in Africa and appreciated the endeavor of sharing the knowledge with the other Indian States.
ISF Secretary General Michael Keller hoped that Telangana, that is emerging as a seed hub, would be ready to explain the challenges it overcame to the world through the ISF.
Dr. Keshavulu also had words with Reenat Sandhu, Indian Ambassador in Italy. Ms. Sandhu also assured Dr. Keshavulu that Indian Embassy would help Telangana meet the Italian seed industry. She said Italy would be useful to Telangana as a launchpad to reach out to other European countries.